Expert guidance for navigating complex employment issues
From on-boarding new people, designing and rolling out incentive schemes, new employment contracts and policies, helping to maximise productivity and engagement, dealing with performance management and conduct concerns, handling employee grievances and disputes, implementing sensitive terminations, managing enterprise bargaining and the influence of unions, managing safety and responding to incidents, conducting investigations and more.
Our team members are trusted advisers to major Australian and multinational employers in both the private and public sectors, enabling us to offer our clients commercial and pragmatic legal advice as well as insight into the latest developments in employment, labour and safety law.
The lawyers are leaders in their field. They know our business and its culture and expectations and provide impeccable advice.
We always go to them with the hardest matters, the most sensitive and it is always managed impeccably.
The team has an excellent reputation and quality of work.
The Corrs Chambers Westgarth Labour and employment practice team are experts in the field.
Corrs are exceptional in taking a business and strategic view of legislation and how it can practically be applied in an organisation.
Innovative, insightful, well connected and pragmatic.