Home Insights Adequate procedures under Australia’s foreign bribery regime

Adequate procedures under Australia’s foreign bribery regime

The most comprehensive changes to Australia’s foreign bribery regime in almost 30 years came into effect in September 2024.

To help organisations navigate the changes, Corrs worked with Transparency International Australia to create guidance on good practice procedures for corporate anti-bribery and anti-corruption programs.

The guidance is a starting point for organisations who are designing, implementing or assessing their anti-bribery and anti-corruption procedures.

The guidance discusses the policies and procedures organisations need to implement to prevent foreign bribery. These should be proportionate to the organisation’s circumstances, including its foreign bribery risks, its size and the nature of its activities.

The guidance also explores the key characteristics of adequate procedures, and the four central features of an effective bribery prevention program:

  • risk assessments and due diligence;

  • corporate culture and governance;

  • compliance and controls; and

  • oversight and monitoring.

This guidance was originally published by Transparency International Australia.

You can access a copy of Adequate Procedures under Australia’s foreign bribery regime or click the ‘DOWNLOAD PDF’ button.


Abigail Gill

Head of Investigations and Inquiries



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