02 August 2022
Waste avoidance, minimisation and resource recovery issues are now focus topics for governments at all levels across Australia, and there is general support for the pursuit of circularity as a means of improving sustainability.
In part one of the series, we considered the aspirations of waste policies and new waste laws being created throughout Australia. In this Insight, the second of our two-part series, we reflect on the concept of ‘waste’ and its regulation, and discuss why it is important for the law to provide a clear pathway for a material to lose its status as ‘waste’.
Waste is generally understood to be ‘materials that are no longer needed and are thrown away’ or ‘anything left over or superfluous’. This reflects a traditionally linear model of consumption - ‘take-make-dispose’ - where ‘waste’ describes something at the end of its life.
The problem, however, given the increasing push towards circularity, is that ‘end of life’ has lost (or at least, is losing) its status in the lifecycle of waste. Because in a truly circular economy, nothing would ever reach ‘end of life’ status.
So the meaning of ‘waste’ requires deeper consideration. For example, is it clear when something becomes waste? Can waste lose its status and if so, how? Is something waste if it is ‘left over’ for one person but a ‘resource’ to another?
Waste is regulated by both common law (for example, nuisance, negligence and trespass) and statutory law in Australia, and all scales of governments are involved. For example:
It is notable that the ‘new waste laws’ enacted by various States over recent years are generally complementary to, rather than reformative of, existing laws. This means that the substantive regulation of waste primarily remains the realm of other laws, such as the Environment Protection Act 2017 (Vic) (EP Act) and the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW) (POEO Act).
Such laws generally proscribe littering, pollution, contamination and/or the dumping of waste, and impose obligations relating to waste management that apply to those involved in generating, processing, transporting and disposing of waste, with more stringent obligations applicable to more hazardous types of waste. Non-compliance can lead to criminal liability, and significant penalties can be imposed.
It is becoming increasingly clear that those engaging in resource recovery activities are encountering gaps and obstacles to regulatory compliance, and this begs the question whether our laws are helping or hindering the journey towards circularity.
These issues in part stem from the fact that ‘waste’ is an expansive concept, and that most laws adopt a ‘once a waste, always a waste’ approach – for example, by expressly confirming that something can be waste despite the fact that it may be re-used, recycled or sold. Queensland is a notable exception to this. Although even there, the mechanism for waste to evolve from a waste to a resource under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (Qld) is not absolute and depends on conditions being met, often by multiple parties, in the waste-resource supply chain.
As such, most current laws suggest, somewhat irrationally, that in a circular economy eventually everything will be waste - having been at some point, and to someone, surplus, despite its utility elsewhere.
The courts have grappled with this on several occasions, and sought to recognise that at some point the ‘waste’ characterisation can be lost. For example:
These cases suggest that the waste-owner’s perspective will be an important consideration in determining its status, and on this issue the Victorian Supreme Court has sought to clarify that it is not the owner’s subjective view of the material that is relevant, but how that material would be characterised when considered objectively from the perspective of the owner.[1]
Clear as mud, right?
There are several implications from this uncertainty, for example:
Another emerging issue is that the more onerous obligations applicable to certain types of (typically hazardous) waste tend to lack flexibility and do not always align with the occupational health and safety requirements, which hinders the capacity for the rapidly developing resource recovery industry to innovate for better outcomes.
It is clear that we need to move to a system that better recognises the potential for re-use and recycling in the waste framework. An important part of this is a clear pathway for ‘waste’ to lose its status as waste, which would provide much needed certainty and eliminate an unnecessary disincentive for those seeking to accelerate resource recovery developments in Australia.
There are arguably mechanisms already in place that can assist. For example, some statutory instruments (such as a ‘Declaration of Use’ in Victoria and ‘End of Waste’ code in Queensland) could be useful where available, and an expansion of storage rights may be considered pending the identification of opportunities for recycling or re-use. But more is needed.
In NSW, for example, there have been efforts to facilitate the re-use of waste through the resource recovery framework, which allows some wastes to be beneficially re-used. However, following the long-running Grafil prosecution,[3] the framework has been criticised for its tendency to prioritise environmental protection objectives over and above circular economy outcomes. To address the perceived inflexibility of the framework, an independent review is currently being carried out to consider options to reform the framework so that it better balances the potential risks and benefits of resource recovery. An important goal of the review is to create new opportunities for the re-use of waste in the circular economy by establishing concrete pathways to remove the definition of waste for certain materials.
At a time where the world is focused on the environmental and financial cost of waste, it is clear that attention to traditional assessments and definitions of waste is much needed to facilitate a more expeditious transition to a truly circular economy.
[1] Dasma Environmental Pty td v Environment Protection Authority [2021] VSC 798, at [68].
[2] See Environment Protection Authority v Grafil Pty Ltd; Environment Protection Authority v Mackenzie [2019] NSWCCA 174, [117]; Environment Protection Authority v Terrace Earthmoving Pty Ltd [2013] NSWCCA 180, [39]; Shannongrove Pty Ltd v Environment Protection Authority [2013] NSWCCA 179, [41].
[3] See Environment Protection Authority v Grafil Pty Ltd; Environment Protection Authority v Mackenzie [2018] NSWLEC 99; Environment Protection Authority v Grafil Pty Ltd; Environment Protection Authority v Mackenzie (No 3) [2020] NSWLEC 90.
Head of Environment and Planning
This publication is introductory in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this publication. Some information may have been obtained from external sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such information.
Head of Environment and Planning