12 April 2021
Despite its ambitious title yet modest scope, the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Act 2021 (Amendment Act) makes some important changes to the law relating to casual employees.
The changes to the laws relating to casual employment relating to casual employment, that commenced on 27 March 2021, provide benefits to businesses and to casual employees. However, enhanced casual conversion rights add an administrative burden for employers.
This burden is especially onerous during a six-month transition period ending on 27 September 2021 (Transition Period).
When the legislation was introduced in the Federal Parliament in late 2020, the Government proposed changes to Australia’s system of industrial regulation in five areas:
Most of the proposed reforms were abandoned during the parliamentary debates, and it came down to one area - casual employees. The much diminished reform deals with casual employment in the following ways:
The Amendment Act adopts a definition of ‘casual employee,’ that is intended to draw from existing common law tests but provides considerably more certainty.[1] A person is a ‘casual employee’ if they are engaged on the basis of an offer of employment where “the employer makes no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work according to an agreed pattern of work for the person”.
Whereas the common law test involves consideration of an unlimited number of circumstances at various times during the employment relationship, the focus of this definition is on the terms of engagement. The factors that determine whether an offer was made on the basis of no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work are set out exhaustively, being:
Other provisions make clear that a regular pattern of hours does not of itself evidence a firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work, and that the question of whether a person is a casual employee is to be determined on the basis of the employment that was offered and accepted, rather than the subsequent conduct of the parties.
This departs from the common law position established in WorkPac Pty Ltd v Rossato [2020] FCAFC 84 (Rosatto), in which the substance of the employment relationship over the course of an employee’s employment was considered in determining whether an employee was a casual employee. The problems arising from the uncertain nature of the employment at any one point of time are remedied by this definition.
The NES has been expanded by the insertion in Part 2-2 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) of a new Division 4A. Amongst other things, this compels all employers – apart from those with fewer than 15 employees – to offer all eligible casual employees an opportunity to convert to full-time or part-time employment (unless it is not reasonable to do so) in prescribed circumstances, being:[2]
The grounds that will make a failure to offer conversion ‘reasonable’ include, but are not limited to:
The permanent position offered must entail conversion to an ongoing role consistent with the pattern of hours worked in the previous six months (i.e. if the employee has been working full-time hours, the offer must be on a full-time basis).
These provisions are based on the standard award casual conversion provision except that instead of allowing a regular casual employee to apply for conversion which must be granted (subject to the employer’s right to refuse on reasonable business grounds), the employer must offer conversion (unless there are reasonable grounds not to do so).
The offer must be in writing and made within 21 days of the employee’s one-year anniversary.
The employee is not obliged to accept an offer of conversion, but retains the right to request conversion if at a later date they work a regular pattern of hours over a six-month period.
It is prohibited for an employer to vary or reduce hours to avoid the obligation to offer conversion. Significantly, casual employees also hold ongoing rights to make a request to convert on similar terms. An employer will still retain the right to refuse such a request on reasonable business grounds.
The FWC has been given the capacity to deal with disputes about the operation of the casual conversion provisions by conciliation or (by agreement) arbitration. It is also required, within six months of the commencement of the legislation, to review any term in a modern award that provides terms and conditions of casual employment to ensure it is consistent with the FW Act. It also has the capacity to determine applications about how the definition applies to enterprise agreements.
Parties can also apply to resolve their dispute as small claims proceedings where a person applies for an order from a Magistrates court or the Federal Circuit Court.
The Amendment Act requires an employer to assess whether to offer conversion to certain categories of existing casual employees. Employers will be required to identify and assess whether to offer ‘conversion’ to any employees, who fall within the following three categories:
The ‘evaluation process’ requires that employers must:
While these changes mean that the usual operation of the casual conversion clauses will not apply to these employers and employees until after the end of the Transition Period, employers will need to proactively evaluate the status of existing employees who may otherwise not be ‘casuals’ within the meaning of the Amendment Act during the Transition Period.
Clearly, this will give rise to a significant administrative burden for employers who engage a substantial number of employees on a casual basis.
The Amendment Act has inserted new provisions in the FW Act aimed at addressing situations where employees have wrongly been classified as a casual employee, and have been paid a corresponding loading. This provision addresses uncertainties raised in the Rossato decision about an employer’s ability to offset casual loading against other entitlements.
The Rosatto decision also suggested that if employers intended to offset casual loading, they should clearly identify and link the particular entitlements that were being set off against the casual loading amount.
The Amendment Act provides that where an employee has been wrongly classified as a casual, and an employee (or another person – such as a union – on their behalf) subsequently makes a claim for an amount allegedly due to the person as an employee, the court hearing the matter must reduce the compensation (if any) by such amount as it considers appropriate having regard to various factors that are identified, to reflect the loading that has been paid to the employee. A court cannot reduce any amount payable below nil, meaning employees cannot be made to reimburse an employer for any amount.
This provision appears to apply both to past misclassifications and to those that may occur in the future, meaning employers can rely on this provision for claims which have already been made. Clearly this provision is intended to allow employers who are subject to current underpayment claims, including class actions, relating to casual employees, to argue for reduction of the size of (or eliminate entirely) the value of such claims. It will address some of the difficulties flowing from the decisions of Skene and Rossato.
The provision may encounter some difficulty with the restriction in the Australian Constitution on the acquisition of property other than on ‘just terms’.[4] It is not clear that any such challenge would be successful as the law essentially deals with adjustments to competing claims, but it seems likely that the matter will be tested at an early stage – most likely in the context of a number of class actions that have been initiated in the aftermath of the Skene and Rossato decisions.
The Fair Work Ombudsman has prepared a Casual Employment Information Statement, which must be provided to every new casual employee at the commencement of their employment.
During the Transition Period, employers with 15 or more employees must assess all their casual employees, including employees designated as casuals prior to 27 March 2021. The employer must provide a copy of the Casual Employment Information Statement to those employees as soon as practicable after 27 September 2021. This is intended to ensure that the existing casual employees are notified about the new casual regime.
Employers with fewer than 15 employees must provide a copy of Casual Employment Information Statement to all existing casual employees as soon as practicable (rather than after 27 September 2021).
The changes that came into effect on 27 March 2021 are a welcome progression on the issue of casual employment, providing business with greater certainty and commensurate confidence. However, it is not a simple ‘fix’.
Assessments are still required to be made at the point of employment as to whether there is no firm advance commitment to continuing and indefinite work having regard to the criteria set out in the FW Act.
For many employers, there is also a considerable task ahead in assessing their current workforce, and ensuring systems are in place to ensure offers of conversion are made as and when required.
Over the next six months at least, employers will be required to:
Employers should review their existing contracts of employment and update their practices, if required, to align with and take advantage of the new regime and attach the Casual Employment Information Statement.
[1] E.g. WorkPac v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131 (Skene) and WorkPac v Rossato [2020] FCAFC 84 (Rossato).
[2] Note that although employers with fewer than 15 employees are not required to offer conversion, employees of such employers do have the right to ask for conversion.
[3] FW Act, section 66C(2).
[4] Section 51(xxxi) of the Australian Constitution allows for legislation to provide for the acquisition of property ‘on just terms’.
This publication is introductory in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this publication. Some information may have been obtained from external sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such information.
Head of Employment, Labour and Safety