05 April 2022
The Federal Court has handed down a decision which is likely to have a significant impact on how developers are able to market apartments being sold on an “off-the-plan” basis.
In 2017, Mr and Mrs Ripani (Ripanis), entered into a contract with developer, Century Legend Pty Ltd (Century Legend), to purchase a premium apartment in Melbourne’s CBD off-the-plan. Under the terms of the contract of sale, the Ripanis agreed to pay A$9.58 million subject to finalising a satisfactory floor plan.
In deciding to enter into the contract, the Ripanis relied heavily on marketing materials provided by Century Legend. These materials were important for the purposes of generating sales, given the apartments in question had not yet been built. This included a hard-bound brochure containing various computer generated images, known as ‘renders’ (the Brochure). The renders were used to illustrate what the apartment building, and various aspects of it, would look like once constructed.
The Brochure included the below render (Image: RotheLowman (accessed at http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/FCA/2022/242.html)) which depicts a large free span opening between the inside of the living areas and the outside terrace of the apartment purchased by the Ripanis.
Despite extensive use of this render throughout its marketing campaign, Century Legend was aware it would be impossible to construct the Ripanis’ apartment in a way that would bear a reasonable resemblance to the render. In particular, the architect Rothe Lowman had informed Century Legend that the eight metre free span depicted could not be constructed due to development and structural requirements and would likely need to be closer to three metres.
The Ripanis commenced proceedings against Century Legend in the Federal Court alleging that Century Legend had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct. The Ripanis sought relief (including rescission of the contract of sale) under the Australian Consumer Law and in equity.
Century Legend contested the claims made by the Ripanis on a number of bases. Notably, these bases were the existence of exclusion clauses in the contract of sale, the inscription of the words ‘artist impression’ on the render and a disclaimer included in the Brochure.
Justice Anastassiou found the renders provided to the Ripanis were misleading and deceptive and in contravention of section 18 of the ACL.
His Honour, upon reviewing the evidence put forward by the Ripanis and Century Legend, concluded:
In responding to each of the defences raised by Century Legend, the Court held as follows:
In light of this, and having not been specifically drawn to the Ripanis’ attention (i.e. “it should not be expected that potential purchasers, like the Ripanis, would study a glossy marketing brochure with an eye to the fine print of a disclaimer at the back of the booklet”), the disclaimer failed to cure the misleading and deceptive representation conveyed by the render.
As a consequence, the Ripanis were entitled to rescind the contract under sections 237 and /or 243 of the ACL and recover their losses from Century Legend. This included recovering interest and bank fees they had paid in connection with a bank guarantee provided to the developer.
It is instructive to compare some of the conclusions in this case with the position in New South Wales. In 2019, off-the-plan sales marketing was overhauled by the introduction of changes to the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW).
Under this regime, developer must serve a Notice of Changes if there is a change in a material particular that adversely affects the use and enjoyment of the lot. If the purchaser would not have entered into the contract had the purchaser been aware of the inaccuracy and would be materially prejudiced by the change, the purchaser can either rescind the contract or make a claim for compensation.
Importantly, the legislation allows the purchaser to rescind without giving any reasons, and there is no longer a need to bring proceedings in the Supreme Court to rescind contracts for such changes. The onus has shifted to the developer, who would need to incur costs bringing a claim against a purchaser if it considered a purchaser did not have the right to rescind.
To date, this legislation remains untested in the Courts however, as the market shifts there are likely to be cases that arise.
Senior Associate
This publication is introductory in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this publication. Some information may have been obtained from external sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such information.
Head of Real Estate (Acting)