Article Australia to introduce world leading privacy breach penalties


Australia to introduce world-leading privacy breach penalties

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Article New regulations allow governments and financial institutions to request data held by telcos


New regulations allow governments and financial institutions to request data held by telcos

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Article Facial recognition technology a model law


Facial recognition technology: a model law

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Article The Optus data breach a timely reminder of your statutory cyber obligations


The Optus data breach: a timely reminder of your statutory cyber obligations

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State of the Art: Key Australian IP developments – August 2022

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Article Critical infrastructure cyber notification obligations when do you need to comply


Critical infrastructure cyber notification obligations: when do you need to comply?

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Article Termination for convenience when and is it free


Termination for convenience: when and is it free?

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Article government australian defence procurement the department of defence announces a review to simplify contracts streamline procurement and improve access for smes


Department of Defence announces a review to simplify contracts, streamline procurement and improve access for SMEs

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Article government budgeting for australias defence in a global pandemic


Budgeting for Australia’s defence in a global pandemic

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Article competition the future of access regimes for non vertically integrated monopolies


The future of access regimes for non-vertically integrated monopolies

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Article TMT when good cars turn bad who should pay for loss and injury caused by autonomous vehicles


When good cars turn bad: who should pay for loss and injury caused by autonomous vehicles?

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Article changes ahead for the airline industry productivity commission releases economic regulation of airports inquiry draft report


Changes ahead for the airline industry? Productivity Commission releases Economic Regulation of Airports inquiry draft report

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Mining, agriculture and construction equipment: a new UNIDROIT financing regime is coming

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Article it unlocking implementation strategies reduce recidivism


Unlocking implementation strategies to reduce recidivism

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The new Commonwealth Procurement Act – better rights for suppliers?

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Article driverless australia


Is cyber security the greatest threat for autonomous vehicles?

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