Getting incident response right in a changing cyber threat environment
The ‘fiduciary out’ dilemma: risking what you have, for what might be
State tax landscape set to change
Essential ESG: Episode 10 – The growing role of ESG in M&A
Novel foods, novel field: patent validity issues in the new foods landscape
Managing renegotiation and termination risk for target boards
Structures for major shareholder engagement in takeovers
The developing world of pre-bid stake structures in M&A
The impact of ESG activism in M&A and demergers
M&A 2023 Outlook
ESG: managing risks and capitalising on opportunities in M&A transactions
The heat is on: directors facing increased expectations in relation to sustainability disclosures
Taxand Global Guide to M&A Tax 2022 – Australia
No talk provisions: has the battle been won?
Examining the proposed employee share scheme changes
No talks: the new battleground in takeovers