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TGIF 4 February 2022 – All not lost: Court allows amendment to correct the naming of the plaintiff

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TGIF 17 December 2021 – No second chances: The Court’s discretion to revive companies in winding up

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TGIF 10 December 2021 – When can liquidators use partnership assets to satisfy creditors’ claims?

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TGIF 3 December 2021 – Liquidators and long-term contracts: the importance of court approval

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TGIF 26 November 2021 – Litigation funding regulation: ‘grandfathered’ schemes and the MIS regime

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TGIF 19 November 2021 – Catch 22: Court allows share transfer by administrator without owner consent

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TGIF 12 November 2021 – Formula for success: schemes of arrangement and variable consideration

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TGIF 05 November 2021 – An opportunity to reframe claims as ‘debts’ in statutory demands?

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Article corporate Applications for director identification numbers are now open


Director identification numbers are finally here but what do directors need to do to meet their legislative obligations?

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TGIF 29 October 2021 – Changing hats: receiver becomes liquidator despite shareholder challenge

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TGIF 22 October 2021 – Submitted for your approval: Entry into post-liquidation agreements

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TGIF 15 October 2021 – Federal Court finds company was ‘insolvent’ under a contract despite trading six years later

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TGIF 8 October 2021 – Liquidating a former trustee: what to do when there is no power to sell the assets

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TGIF 1 October 2021 – Quit horsing around: Leave to proceed against court-appointed liquidator denied

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TGIF 24 September 2021 – Lucky lenders: security interests granted after critical time might not vest

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TGIF 17 September 2021 – Federal Court rejects ‘proof of debt’ for contribution to legal bills due to lack of binding contract

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