27 September 2023
Australia is currently the only OECD country without a national charter or bill of human rights, but recent developments raise questions as to whether that’s about to change.
In August 2023, at the Australian Labor Party (ALP) National Conference, the ALP committed to considering a statutory charter of human rights for Australia. This follows the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Position Paper released in March 2023, which outlines a proposal for a Commonwealth Human Rights Act (AHRC Proposal). Also in March, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights began its Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework – including whether the current Commonwealth framework is fit for purpose or could be strengthened by the introduction of a human rights charter. These developments follow the enactment of statutory charters of rights in the ACT (2004), Victoria (2006) and Queensland (2019).
The likelihood of enhanced human rights protection through statutory charters of rights in the remaining states and territories, and federally, is increasing. These statutory charters of rights do not just impact public entities, they are also increasingly relevant to how business is conducted in Australia.
Below, we explore the impact statutory charters of rights have had in states and territories where they have been adopted, consider the possible impacts of a Commonwealth charter on Australian businesses, and outline how to prepare your business.
Similarly to the charters of rights enforced in New Zealand, the UK and Canada, the three existing Australian charters of rights and the AHRC Proposal all follow what is known as a ‘new Commonwealth model’ of rights charters.
There are four central features to new Commonwealth model rights charters:
Australia has a highly regulated economy and businesses rely on administrative decisions of governments in order to carry out much of their activity, whether that be through the grant of statutory licences, project approvals, permits and, in some cases, tenure.
The introduction of a statutory charter of human rights means that:
Giving proper consideration to human rights means that the decision-maker must:
This requires the decision-maker to be fully informed of the impacts and benefits of a particular decision. If a decision-maker is not fully informed, this may mean that proper consideration was not given to human rights, which may give rise to a challenge to that decision. The determination of whether a decision is compatible with human rights will generally be the result of a balancing exercise to decide whether the benefits of the proposal are proportionate to and justify the potential limitations or impacts on human rights.
If a decision is incompatible with rights or the decision-making process did not adequately consider rights, a decision may be susceptible to being invalidated through a challenge in the courts. The existing Australian rights charters contain what is known as a ‘piggy-back’ clause which means that in order to bring a claim for breach of human rights, the claimant must have an otherwise valid cause of action. Therefore, while a human rights act in and of itself may not increase litigation, we expect that an increased number of cases will contain human rights causes of action, particularly given the broader standing afforded to individuals and groups in human rights cases.
This is not just theory. We have seen a steady increase of challenges to decisions of government in the states and territories in which these statutory charters of rights operate.
The energy and resources sector has been significantly impacted by statutory charters of rights. In Queensland, the Land Court recommended that the grant of an environmental authority to Waratah Coal (Waratah) not be approved on the basis that the new coal mine would not be compatible with human rights. This decision demonstrated the impact that the Human Rights Act 2019 (QLD) can have on project approvals in Queensland. The Waratah case highlighted the Land Court’s obligation to consider compatibility with human rights in its recommendations, including its recommendations on mining leases and environmental authorities.
It is not only prior to licences being approved that challenges are being mounted. The Environmental Defenders Office has launched a challenge to Blue Energy’s gas field. The basis of the challenge is that by contributing to worsening climate change, Blue Energy infringes a number of rights under Queensland’s Human Rights Act, including the right to life, the protection of children and the right to culture.
We have seen similar challenges on human rights grounds in New South Wales with Gloucester Resources Limited v Minister for Planning, and in respect of Commonwealth approvals processes with Santos v Tipakalippa, even though there is no human rights instrument in New South Wales or at the Commonwealth level.
Challenges to proposed property developments on human rights grounds have also arisen. There have been a number of examples in Victoria where third parties have included compliance with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) in their grounds for opposing a particular property development. Some of those human rights grounds have been considered by various Victorian Courts and Tribunals and there are two interesting aspects of these decisions:
If a Commonwealth Charter is implemented, the current AHRC Proposal proposes to adopt the same model as is currently in force in the ACT, Victoria and Queensland. We therefore expect that similar claims would be likely to be brought where a Commonwealth decision-maker is involved. This would be significant given the breadth of decisions entrusted to Commonwealth decision makers, including decisions relating to environmental approvals, cultural heritage, certain resource allocation, infrastructure projects and even procurement and tendering.
We have already seen human rights concerns being ventilated in Commonwealth approvals processes through other means (including the attempted invocation of negligence in Sharma). Accordingly, we expect that litigants would not hesitate to bring such rights-based claims promptly following the introduction of a Commonwealth Human Rights Act, on the basis that a decision of a regulator did not adequately consider or was not compatible with human rights.
The adoption of a Commonwealth Charter would bring increased scrutiny on the potential impact of business on human rights. If successful, we expect that administrative decisions, particularly those which may have impacts on the environment or First Nations peoples, would be susceptible to challenges from concerned litigants. This could have operational, reputational, and financial consequences for the business seeking approval. It is therefore crucial that businesses:
In the past, human rights risks and impacts have been considered as non-financial risks to business. However, there is now little question that many human rights risks ultimately also present material risks to business with both commercial and financial implications. Organisations that do not understand or ignore the need for strong human rights management do so at their peril.
Head of Responsible Business and ESG
Head of Environment and Planning
This publication is introductory in nature. Its content is current at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should always obtain legal advice based on your specific circumstances before taking any action relating to matters covered by this publication. Some information may have been obtained from external sources, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such information.
Head of Responsible Business and ESG
Head of Environment and Planning