Article competition are we there yet the federal government sets outs its roadmap for reform in response to the digital platforms inquiry


Are we there yet? The Federal Government sets out its roadmap for reform in response to the Digital Platforms Inquiry

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Article tmt accc sets its sights on ad tech digital platforms inquiry final report to have major implications across the stack


ACCC sets its sights on ad tech: Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report to have major implications across the stack

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Article competition form before substance merger regulation of tech deals after the accc digital platforms inquiry


Form then substance? Merger regulation of tech deals after the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry

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Article competition smoke but no fire competition enforcement after the accc digital platforms inquiry


Smoke but no fire? Competition enforcement after the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry

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Article compeition the accc digital platforms inquiry final report where to from here


A blueprint for re-regulating the tech sector: ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report released

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