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TGIF 29 October 2021 – Changing hats: receiver becomes liquidator despite shareholder challenge

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TGIF 22 October 2021 – Submitted for your approval: Entry into post-liquidation agreements

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TGIF 15 October 2021 – Federal Court finds company was ‘insolvent’ under a contract despite trading six years later

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TGIF 8 October 2021 – Liquidating a former trustee: what to do when there is no power to sell the assets

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TGIF 24 September 2021 – Lucky lenders: security interests granted after critical time might not vest

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TGIF 10 September 2021 – Examining an examiner’s purpose: public examinations and subjective motivation

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TGIF 3 September 2021 – Director beware: Court joins director to receivership challenge and orders security to indemnify company

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