The rise of value-driven shareholder activism in Australia: a new governance playbook
The great homecoming: challenges and opportunities for foreign investment
M&A Outlook 2024
‘Gatekeepers’ to the board: regulators’ changing expectations of general counsel
Essential ESG: Episode 10 – The growing role of ESG in M&A
Managing renegotiation and termination risk for target boards
Structures for major shareholder engagement in takeovers
The developing world of pre-bid stake structures in M&A
The impact of ESG activism in M&A and demergers
M&A 2023 Outlook
The heat is on: directors facing increased expectations in relation to sustainability disclosures
ESG: A guide for Directors
M&A 2022 Outlook
ESG: A guide for General Counsel
From the courtroom to the boardroom: climate change risks and remedies
Shareholder activism: challenges and strategies for boards